Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 4)

Easter Sunday: Conversations with the King | John 20:11-18

From His childhood through His crucifixion on Good Friday, Jesus interacted with children, women and men from all walks of life. Heaven conversing with ordinary people like you and me. Then, He died for the sins of the world and His lifeless body was placed in a tomb. Silence. Sadness. Despair. Join us at 9 a.m. this Sunday as we celebrate one of the many gifts from our Resurrected Savior, the ability to once again, hear His voice!

Palm Sunday: Who is This? | Matthew 21:1-11

The most important question ever posed was asked by the people of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Regarding the colt-rider, they asked, “Who is this?” Join us for this Sunday for our Palm Sunday Celebration at 9 a.m. as we sing, pray and consider Jesus’ lionhearted-world-transforming answer!

Choose Your Companions Wisely | 1 Kings 3:3-14 

We do not choose our relatives but we do choose our friends.  God gives us the responsibility of selecting our inner circle.  Like quality antivirus software we must be vigilant to let the right people in and keep the wrong people out. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. for our monthly family service as we consider the life of Solomon who wisely declared, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm” yet failed to live accordingly. 

Behold the One Beholding You and Smiling | 1 Samuel 16:1-7

What kind of person does God look for when an important work needs to get done? When Saul failed to accurately represent the Lord as Israel’s first king, God chose a new servant whom others overlooked. Join us this Sunday for our second message from the era of Israel’s Kings. We will discover an often-overlooked virtue that always catches God’s attention when He looks for someone through whom He can do significant things!

They Abandoned the Lord | Judges 2:6-10

Our 2023 journey through the Bible brings us to a tragic chapter in God’s story recorded in the Book of Judges. Why did the grandchildren of those who saw God part the Jordan River, bring down the walls of Jericho and halt the sun and moon at Gibeon abandon the Lord? Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. to worship God whole-heartedly and learn how we may influence future generations to love, serve and delight in the Lord.

Land for Israel, But Why Must the Canaanites Die? | Joshua 1:1-9

Have you ever read the 24 chapters of Joshua? If not, I encourage you to read the fast-pace-dramatic reports of God’s powerful presence empowering Israel to acquire the land He promised to their ancestors. Heads up, you will also notice that for Israel to receive her inheritance of land, the Canaanites have to be defeated and die. Why is this? Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. as we consider and respond to these frequently asked questions about God in the Old Testament. Is God unjust? Is God prejudice? Is God cruel?

Where Shall We Find the Good Life? | Deuteronomy 30:15-20

A wise child learns from the successes and mistakes of their parents. Likewise, we can gain wisdom from observing the choices of previous generations including the people of Israel during their 40 years wandering in the wilderness. Join us on Sunday at 9 a.m. as we rediscover God’s path for His people (then and now) to receive and experience His good and blessed life!

What Should We Do With The Ten Commandments? | Exodus 19:16-20

When someone mentions THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, deep feelings often arise. “Yikes, I can’t recount all 10.” “I’m guilty because I don’t measure up.” “I guess I’m in trouble because I can’t measure up.” “Yes, whew, I’m very devoted to living by them.” “Why did they remove them from the courthouse? Are you kidding me!?” What should we, who seek to abide in Jesus, think about and do with the 10 Commandments? Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we consider God’s dramatic presentation of these laws and discover the role they played in Jesus’s earthly life, and now in our own!

Creation: Why Do I Exist? Genesis 1:26-31

Why do I exist? Is there more? How do I fit in the story? This year we will consider these and other important questions. Join us this Sunday January 1 at 9 a.m. to sing, pray and start the New Year with a new series through the stories of the Bible entitled, “Knowing God.” Pastor Dean will launch the series by asking “Why do I exist?” as we read and meditate on God’s design for you from the beginning revealed in the early chapters of the Book of Genesis. And, since we are stepping into a New Year this Sunday, we will celebrate with refreshments for all ages after the service!

Christmas Eve Service | Luke 1:26-35 & Luke 2:7-15

We are so excited to gather with you on Christmas Eve, this Saturday, December 24th at 6 p.m. to celebrate the coming of Jesus! This will be a great service to invite friends and family to come with you to. We will not have an in-person service on Sunday morning but will provide a pre-recorded Christmas service on the Sunday Service page at our web site.