Sermons by Rob Cupp (Page 4)

Hope at Home: Pentecost | Acts 2:1-12

Pentecost Sunday May 31, 2020 Welcome Kids Activity Packet – Pentecost Activity Packet Kid’s Worship – I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy Joy Down in My Heart Kid’s Video – God Sends the Holy Spirit As always, there are more announcements sent by email weekly, so if you aren’t receiving those emails and want to, please let us know! Prayer Worship Song – How…

Seeking God’s Face – Part 1 | Psalm 27:1-14

David has a stressful life. He had every reason to be down, give up and not move forward. Yet, something about him had strength, hope and confidence. He kept seeking and looking to his True Stronghold, God Himself. As he did this, his strength was renewed and he was able to see what God saw in David and in the World. May we all seek, wait and hope on God like this! 

Astonished by Authority | Matthew 7:28-29

Their jaws dropped in astonishment at what Jesus said!  They were blown away by what they were hearing because it rang so true and was said with the Power of Heaven behind it…There truly was another way to live life here on earth. The initial response to Jesus’ Kingdom Manifesto on the Mount was a crowd of people astonished at its powerful truth that was going to set them free.

Angels From the Realms of Glory | Luke 2: 8-20

This Christmas Hymn first written on Christmas Eve 1816, takes us on a journey through the nativity from the point of view of various groups. In the end, the chorus beckons all of us to “come and worship, come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn King.” And that is the essential call of Christmas. For everyone and all creation to come and worship Christ the King of the Universe whom we celebrate in this season.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

As we begin our advent journey this year, we encounter Hope.  Jesus came as a baby, but not just any baby. He was Emmanuel – God with us! And the great Hope we have is that we serve a God that is with us! Through everything and anything we experience we can long for and hope that Christ will come into our situation and lives because He has done it before, He is doing it now and He will do it again!

Kingdom Fasting | Matthew 6:16-18

As we continue to study Christ’s Kingdom Manifesto in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus continues to challenge His hearers with the challenge to do things for God Himself, not for the reward of man. He using the Spiritual Discipline of Fasting to show that a heavenly reward is much better than an earthly reward given my people.

Sermon on the Mount: Which Reward? | Matthew 6: 1-4

As Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount, He builds on what being “perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” means. Doing righteous things is a natural outcome of living in awareness of the Kingdom and participating as a part of it, but Jesus us warns us that our motives must also match The Father’s and not get caught up in the response and reaction of others.  Jesus is asking His listeners “where do you want your reward to come from?”