Sermons by Dean Wertz (Page 5)

Imagine a Church with Financial Peace | Philippians 1:1-11

After my Aunt Martha and I tried to convince the other why each of us should be allowed to cover the cost for a family meal out, she pulled the bill out of my hand, looked at me and said with her winning smile, “Dean, sometimes it’s good to just say, ‘Thank you.'” Her gift to me was more than a meal. She taught me the importance of expressing gratitude in the presence of generous people. Hope, you are a generous family! Please join as at 9 a.m. this Sunday as we worship God, learn how Paul thanked God for the Philippian Christians who gave financially so others could live with God in Christ and thank God for all of you (here in Denver and around the world) who do the same! I look forward to bringing the  message titled Imagine a Church With Financial Peace from Philippians 1:1-11. If you are unable to join us in person, please visit the 9 a.m. livestream or view the recording here.
Looking forward to worshiping together! -Dean

Imagine a Church Where Everyone is Loved | John 21:15-19

Is it possible for a church to grow by serving more people without dramatically increasing expenses to hire more pastoral staff? The fourth of Hope Church’s five overarching goals for this next year is to expand our capacity to love and care for all whom God entrusts to us, primarily through friendships in small groups. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we see how Jesus cared for those in His small group and then invited Peter and all of us to do the same!

Imagine a Church Service Involving Everyone! | 1 Corinthians 14:26

 In addition to becoming a church that blesses children (last week’s focus), we also sense God is calling us to include space for more participation within our Sunday gathering times together. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. for our monthly family service as we consider what it could look like to have people of all ages involved in various aspects of our times together. This week, we will include opportunities for people to help with music, engage ideas in the message and serve communion. It will be so good to, once again, experience God’s presence and guidance together!

Imagine a Church the Blesses Kids | Mark 10:13-16

It’s tough for children to walk closely with Jesus in our present world. And, It’s especially challenging for parents to answer the new questions and navigate the surprises involved in raising young souls in 2023. Hope Church, we have been summoned by Jesus to love, encourage, support and bless the children in our community. Join us this Sunday to consider the priority Jesus placed on children and lift up prayers of blessing, at the start of the new school year, over our children, school staff and parents!

Run with Endurance | Hebrews 12:1-3

Join us this Sunday as we worship God, welcome new guests, reconnect with one another and finish our study through the letter to the Hebrews. According to God, life with Jesus is a marathon, not a moment. So, in this message seekers will be encouraged to enter the adventure and those who have already done so will be exhorted to run with endurance the race that is set before us!

Encouraging One Another in a World of Distractions | Hebrews 10:19-25

Loneliness is a desire for human connection while feeling isolated. According to studies from the University of Chicago Medical Department, there is a connection between loneliness and health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diminished sleep quality, increased inflammation and decreased viral immunity. This Sunday, let’s explore God’s life-giving plan that displaces loneliness with joy and hope in our lives.

Holding Fast in a World of Distractions | Hebrews 10:19-25

If you are considering becoming a follower of Jesus, you may suspect that remaining faithful when questioned by unbelievers could be a challenge (“I don’t want to appear foolish!”). If you are a Christian, you may have seasons when a culturally-acceptable world view of another causes you to waver (“Yikes, is this really true?”). Since it is natural to experience hesitancy regarding public steadfastness with and for Christ, join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as we consider together what enduring faithfulness to Jesus looks like and how to experience it in a distracting world.

Celebrating God in the Old Testament

Over the past 6 months we have been on a journey through God’s story in the Old Testament. Join us this Sunday at 9 a.m. as all ages unite for a family service to sing, celebrate communion and learn together. During our message time, our approach will be interactive, hearing from one another any new insights gained from our study, what God has revealed about Himself and/or how our lives have been changed through our journey from creation through Israel’s restoration over the past 6 months. Please consider these ideas in advance, come ready to share and anticipate learning from others who share. We look forward to being with you for this fun and collaborative celebration as a church family!

Everything Renewed | Nehemiah 6:15-7:4

Tree planting, coral rehabilitation, forest rewilding, invasive species eradication and natural ground-water filtration. Restoration is the process of returning something or someone to their original beauty. Join us as this Sunday at 9 a.m. to warmly welcome those who join us for the first time, love one another, sing together and dream about your role in God’s restorative work in our world, our buildings, ourselves and the lives of discouraged people around us.