Sermons from March 2020

Hope at Home: Be Still | Psalm 46


While we are physically apart due to COVID-19, we invite you to gather in your home at 10:45 a.m. on Sunday (or anytime!). In this Hope at Home video, Pastor Rob Cupp and I will encourage and guide you and anyone else in your household through a time of prayer, worship, ministry of God’s Word and an invitation to continue cultivating our 4 core habits: gather (creatively), grow, give and go. We look forward to once again gathering face-to-face in the days ahead!


Dean Wertz
Lead Pastor | Hope Community Church

Seeking the Gospel of the Kingdom | Psalm 145:1-13

We pray “Thy kingdom come” and we are instructed to participate in the answer to our prayer by showing others what life with King Jesus looks like on earth as it is in heaven. Did you know that we also get to participate in the answer to this prayer by talking about God’s kingdom in our everyday conversations? In this message we consider reasons why it is not only faithful but fun to have conversations in line with David’s forecast in Psalm 145:11, “They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom.”